I say install an old Zenith console TV.

) I've seen an old delivery van, 30s-40s, with one in the back in Lowrider Magazine.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> TVs and DVD players are easy to install. I could do a PS2 but I didn't like mine too much and needed money, so I sold it. I would like to play games, but I'd rather just buy a DVD player and a PSX(PS1) and it'd be cheaper than a PS2. I could even try a home DVD player, just put a lot of padding around it, and it'd cost under $100 for the pair. You can get a decent screen for around $100.
Since my console is so big, I'll probably mount them in there, and then mount the screen on the top, or mount it underneath and have some plexiglass on top to protect the screen. You know, cut a hole in the console, mount the screen someway, maybe use some screws on the back of it to ***** it in to the underneath of the console, put some of that door ding gaurd around the edges cut at 45* angles on the ends so there's no gaps, then ***** the plexiglass down on top with some chrome screws to protect the screen and keep crap from falling in on the screen.
You have to pre-drill the plexiglass, and it would be better to use a small round stone-grinding attatchment with a Dremel to make the hole, since cutting with something other than a razor making many passes will brake the plexiglass, but melting like with the stone attatchment or a grinder will just heat it up and cut it where you want it too, which works fine and won't break it.