I would check the whole fuel system as the rust has probably made its way into the float bowl as well. If you drain the tank and drop it, look for water in the gas, find a old mason jar or a clear glass and siphon some gas into it from the bottom of the tank. Look for water as it will settle to the bottom of the jar or glass. Check all rubber lines for cracks and leakage, check rigid lines for pin holes from rust. If you have an air compressor, blow the lines out from before the pump back to the tank (disconnect the line at the tank). Also blow the line out from the pump to the carb (disconnect the line at the carb). DON'T BLOW THROUGH THE PUMP, you'll blow the diagham out. This will remove any residuale rust in the lines. Check your fuel pump for leakage as well, as you may have a bad diaghram. Check the screen on the pickup tube in the tank, mine fell off and was in such bad shape that I had to replace the pickup/sending unit.