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as some may know. i am in the army. i was on my way from Ft. Sill, OK to northern WI, with one of my buddies for christmas leave. we had enough tools and equipment for anything to happen. seriously, ANYTHING. while crossing through Sullivan MO, we ran into some major lack in power. stopped at an O'reilly's and started to work on it. had no get up, fell on its face after about 15 feet of driving. anywho....replaced: plugs, plug wires, fuel filter, and some part in the carb. after a 6 hour setback, still didn't figure out what it was. it just started working. made it home fine after a few fuel line problems. let me explain now....instead of getting a new fuel pump when i converted to carb, i cut the fuel rail and smacked some $5 a foot fuel injection hose on it to go to the fuel pressure regulator that i put on. we used about a 4 inch peice of line. i thought it'd be ok and do the job. well. it did. for the first 500 miles of use. anyways, it blew twice on the way up. spraying gas everywhere. quick fixed it with more line each time. made it home. dropped off my friend and we went on our ways. 4 days before we had to leave. i went to his place and picked up his 16' dovetail trailer we were going to use to haul my 89 dodge daytona ES back to Ft. Sill. got there fine after the thermostat got stuck closed and had to replace that. but on the way back to my place i approached a stop sign when the bronco died on me. came to a stop. and then it bursted into flames under the hood. i killed the power, and gas pump. switches if your wondering. and proceeded outside with my extinguisher. put out what i could when i realized i forgot to pop the hood. ran around, popped it, put it out. damage was done let me tell ya. the thoughts going through my mind were horrible. got the bronco and trailer pushed off the road. cops came, firemen, the whole damn small town it was came. i refused any wrecker service as i inspected the damage and knew what had to be done. few wires, fuel hose and vaccume hose. called my stepdad who was at the time an hour away. told him what to get, and he was on his way. an hour and a half later he arrived. i had everything ready to be done. replaced it all right there in Keshena, WI. with the help of cop (former service member) and his damn spotlight and my stepdad. we had it done in no time. drove it home. lots of people were shocked i was able to do it. and shocked that i acted as fast as i did. shit, i'm shocked.
end of that problem. leave was fun. lots of icey road purposely done fishtailing. love it. romped around in our field on christmas. a cop insisted on stopping by to ask what the **** was going on. as i was not stuck, but more or less confined to a 10 foot area in which i had to move back and forth in. (ruts from plowing the field combined with snow drifts is not the best, quite fun though) about an hour or two later. me and my brother finally got tired of confining ourselves to such small area. we expanded to about 100 feet of room to play in. well, we wanted to head in and be with family so we finally used some traction that we always had to begin with (lol) and moved on out.
the dreaded road home
the bronco was running great, never better. until we came into Springfiel IL. we noticed white smoke coming from my right side tail pipe, and that ever so dreaded smell. blown the head gasket. this was at about 10am sunday morning on the 6th of Jan. not even half way to post.
we took the closest exit off the highway and found an autozone to park at. confirmed it all. and went to town. bought a head gasket, intake gaskets, antifreeze, oil, oil filter, carb cleaner and those handy blue shop towels that we all love. they had to run to another autozone to pick up the head gasket. by the time he got back we had it halfway torn apart. we had it all put together and ready to go by 4:30pm. we were on a role. i told you all we had tools. even the damn torque wrench. and the trusty bronco book. we had so many people asking what we were doing. saying we were crazy, and that they never would have even tried it. but most of all we got some crazy amount of respect. an old veteran even told us that if necessary he had a place down the road for us to crash at. but that wasn't gonna happen. we had til midnight on the 6th to sign in off of leave. it wasn't gonna happen. as soon as the problem occured we called our supervisors and informed them as to what happened and what our plans were. ate some burger king, in which i am really glad. see, me and my buddy have this way of rating girls. instead of 1-10, or just she's hot. we rate their looks based on engine sizes, and endless upgrades. this way they have no clue what we're talkin about and we can say it right in front of them. it's more amusing to us as we tend to crack each other up with it. anyways, we saw what was easily a blown over 460. but she had 3 kids with her. i admit i am only 20 years old and she was clearly older. much to our surprise as they were getting up and ready to leave, two of the kids (about 4-7yrs old) called her GRANDMA.......shocking as all ****. so she went down as the hottest grandmother i have ever come across. end of story. i get sidetracked sometimes.
so we were on our way. left Springfield, and pulled off in Cuba, MO to take a nap at 12:30am monday morning.....today.......that nap took until 5:30am.....this morning......started off again. arrived in Ft. Sill, OK at 12:30pm. downloaded our trailer and proceeded to get ready for work. shower, shave, get dressed. got to work at 1:30pm. we met with our First sargent who for you who don't know is the second highest position you can achieve as an enlisted soldier and is in charge of our company. he started off really mad, ready to chew us a new ass hole. but what it came down to is that accidents happen. we left with plenty of time to get to post, we worked our asses off to get back with the head gasket problem. and we called numerous times to update our status. we kept reciepts for proof, in which they were needed. what it boiled down to is that whatever he tried to yell at us for we came back with proof of us doing the right thing. military term, we were squared away. and did nothing wrong. he even went on to tell us a story of him back when he was a specialist E-4 on leave and he was late.....blah blah blah.......cracked some jokes and we were on our way. end of the day went home (barracks) watched rush hour 3 and here i am. rambling. enclosed are 3 pictures of the head gasket incident. have fun....and enjoy.

end of that problem. leave was fun. lots of icey road purposely done fishtailing. love it. romped around in our field on christmas. a cop insisted on stopping by to ask what the **** was going on. as i was not stuck, but more or less confined to a 10 foot area in which i had to move back and forth in. (ruts from plowing the field combined with snow drifts is not the best, quite fun though) about an hour or two later. me and my brother finally got tired of confining ourselves to such small area. we expanded to about 100 feet of room to play in. well, we wanted to head in and be with family so we finally used some traction that we always had to begin with (lol) and moved on out.
the dreaded road home
the bronco was running great, never better. until we came into Springfiel IL. we noticed white smoke coming from my right side tail pipe, and that ever so dreaded smell. blown the head gasket. this was at about 10am sunday morning on the 6th of Jan. not even half way to post.
we took the closest exit off the highway and found an autozone to park at. confirmed it all. and went to town. bought a head gasket, intake gaskets, antifreeze, oil, oil filter, carb cleaner and those handy blue shop towels that we all love. they had to run to another autozone to pick up the head gasket. by the time he got back we had it halfway torn apart. we had it all put together and ready to go by 4:30pm. we were on a role. i told you all we had tools. even the damn torque wrench. and the trusty bronco book. we had so many people asking what we were doing. saying we were crazy, and that they never would have even tried it. but most of all we got some crazy amount of respect. an old veteran even told us that if necessary he had a place down the road for us to crash at. but that wasn't gonna happen. we had til midnight on the 6th to sign in off of leave. it wasn't gonna happen. as soon as the problem occured we called our supervisors and informed them as to what happened and what our plans were. ate some burger king, in which i am really glad. see, me and my buddy have this way of rating girls. instead of 1-10, or just she's hot. we rate their looks based on engine sizes, and endless upgrades. this way they have no clue what we're talkin about and we can say it right in front of them. it's more amusing to us as we tend to crack each other up with it. anyways, we saw what was easily a blown over 460. but she had 3 kids with her. i admit i am only 20 years old and she was clearly older. much to our surprise as they were getting up and ready to leave, two of the kids (about 4-7yrs old) called her GRANDMA.......shocking as all ****. so she went down as the hottest grandmother i have ever come across. end of story. i get sidetracked sometimes.
so we were on our way. left Springfield, and pulled off in Cuba, MO to take a nap at 12:30am monday morning.....today.......that nap took until 5:30am.....this morning......started off again. arrived in Ft. Sill, OK at 12:30pm. downloaded our trailer and proceeded to get ready for work. shower, shave, get dressed. got to work at 1:30pm. we met with our First sargent who for you who don't know is the second highest position you can achieve as an enlisted soldier and is in charge of our company. he started off really mad, ready to chew us a new ass hole. but what it came down to is that accidents happen. we left with plenty of time to get to post, we worked our asses off to get back with the head gasket problem. and we called numerous times to update our status. we kept reciepts for proof, in which they were needed. what it boiled down to is that whatever he tried to yell at us for we came back with proof of us doing the right thing. military term, we were squared away. and did nothing wrong. he even went on to tell us a story of him back when he was a specialist E-4 on leave and he was late.....blah blah blah.......cracked some jokes and we were on our way. end of the day went home (barracks) watched rush hour 3 and here i am. rambling. enclosed are 3 pictures of the head gasket incident. have fun....and enjoy.