The 95,s have a gear reduction starter with its own solenoid . Why ford did this I dont know but they kept the starter solenoid on the passenger fender too . When the solenoid on the fender pulls in there will be 12 volts put down to the starter where there is another solenoid on the starter . There will be a small red wire along with the big red wire down at the starter . There must be 12 volts at the small wire or the starter will not kick out . Couple other things to check are that it is in park or the neutral saftey system will disable the starter . Thats all I can think of right now just check that there is 12 volts on that small wire that goes to the solenoid on the passenger side fender and that there is 12 volts going to the small wire that goes to the solenoid on the starter . Hope this helps

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