Yo Emelio
1986 Bronco & F Series EVTM @
by Gary!
Vacuum Leak Test; On an idling engine check for vacuum leaks using a mechanic's stethoscope, or a ~3' garden hose section.
On COLD ENGINE only, use propane torch w/rubber hose attached, UNLIT or spray carb cleaner, when it gets to the the leak the RPMs will rise.
Vacuum Gauge Diagnosis by Craig @
Reading your vacuum gauge
Suggest buying a vacuum gauge, best low cost test and MPG helper you can spend $ on;
pic; "...I have a vacuum gauge mounted right in the dash of my truck. I use it to also help determine the load my engine is under while driving, and to estimate fuel economy..."
Source: by William T at
See my post here @
Is it just a vacuum leak?!
for HOT LINKs to each below;
Also check:
vacuum hoses;
EGR Valve
acronyms (not nec. for your year/engine)
A/CL: Located in the air cleaner
A/CL DV: Air Cleaner Diverter Valve
A/CL BI MET: Air Cleaner Bi-Metallic Valve
A/CL CWM: Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator
ACT: Air Charge Temperature Sensor, prior to 1992
ACTS: Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor
ACV: Air Control Valve
AIR: Thermactor, short for Thermal Reactor. CA vehicles are installed with it as standard. Air Injection Reaction is what it stands for.
AIR BPV: AIR BPV is the AIR Bypass (AIRB) Valve; also called the TAB (Thermactor Air Bypass) Valve
BV: Bowl Vent (on top of the float tanks)
CARB: Carburetor
CBD: Closed Bowl Distributor
CPRV: Canister Purge Valve
DIST: Distributor
DPFE: Differential Pressure Feedback
DV-TW:Two Way Delay Valve
EFCA: Electronic Fuel Control Assembly/ (Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR)
EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EXH HCV: Exhaust Heat Control Valve
EVP: EGR Valve Position
EGR: Valve Position
EVR: EGR Vacuum Regulator; also called EGR Vacuum Solenoid
FLTR: Filter
FPR: Fuel Pressure Regulator (check vacuum line)
HEAT VLV INT: Heat Vacuum Control Valve Intake, (next to carb)
HICV: Hot Idle Control Valve
IAT: Intake Air Temperature Sensor (Air Charge Temperature (ACT), prior to 1992
IVV: Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
LCV: EGR Load Control
MAN VAC: Manifold vacuum-Vacuum source; usually ref. to as Vacuum Tree atop intake manifold]
MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure
PCV: Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PURGE: Vapor Canister Purge Valve
PV: Ported Vacuum
PVS: Ported Vacuum Switch (PVS) Valve
S: Spark port
SA-FV: Separator Assembly Fuel/Vacuum
SOLV: Thermactor Solenoid Valve
SV CBV: Carborator Fuel Bowl Solenoid Vent Valve
TCAC: Thermostatically Controlled Air Cleaner
TCP: Temperature Compensated Accelerator Pump
TK: Throttle Kicker
TVS: Throttle Valve Solenoid (aka Solepot, Dashpot)
TVS: Temperature Vacuum Switch
TVV: Thermal Vacuum Valve
or, TVV: Thermostatic Vacuum Valve (aka Ported Vacuum Switches; Thermal Vacuum Valve)
VAC: Vacuum
VCKV: Vacuum Check Valve
VCV: Vacuum Control Valve
VDV: Vacuum Delay Valve
V CK V or VCV: Vacuum Check Valve
VOTM: Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator
VRDV: Distributor Vacuum Delay Valve (VDV, VRDV, DV-TW)
VRDV: Vacuum Delay Valve (VDV, VRDV, DV-TW)
VRESER: Vacuum Reservoir (coffee can style in earlier years; replaced by plastic style)
VRESV REST: on earlier years such as SEABRONC's 83 is a Vacuum Restictor/delay valve, it delays vacuum for a certain amount of time
VRV: Vacuum Regulator Valve
WOT: Wide Open Throttle Valve