I hear your frustration, but nobody on the forum is on site to actually see the problem. They are not Ford employees, just well meaning volunteers. You have spent a lot of money shotgunning the problem which obviously hasn't worked. It is possible that you even replaced the failing part with a bad one off the shelf, that happens a lot with parts from the Big Box parts sellers. As you have found out, you can spend a lot of money with your current approach. Many problems have the same symptom so it is not possible for some one to say, "I had that problem and changed X part which fixed it", and be accurate for you. It may have fixed it for them but it may not be the fix for you. When you are on a forum, you just have to take what people say as something that may or may not do it for you and be pretty certain that it is prior to spending your hard earned money. The alternative is take it to a local professionsl mechanic and from what it looks like in this case, save a batch of money.
I'm going to take you back to the issue of grounds. Bad grounds, especially the battery to frame, engine block and engine block to fire wall have caused a lot of strange problems. I realize you did some rewiring of grounds. however you did not say anything about what you did with the battery (-) cable.
So, please answer these questions and put your response to each question as a reply to this post.
1. Did you remove the battery (-) from the battery and clean the post and lug?
2. Did you disconnect the battery (-) cable from the frame and clean the lug and contact surface?
3. Did you disconnect the battery (-) from the engine block and clean the lug and contact surface?
4. If you removed the cable from the above locations, did you inspect the lug to cable connection point where they are soldered together for corrosion?
5. Was there any corrosion at any of those points?
If so, did you replace the battery (-) cable?
6. Did you check the ground strap from the top rear end of the intake manafold to the bolt on the firewall for the above mentioned conditions plus disconnect and clean all points of contact? (usually on the right side as looking from the front of the truck)
