Here is another angle of attack.
If you look at the diagram, you are jumpering the relay out of the picture and the engine is starting. FOr that to be the case you jumpered the Yellow to Brown wires within the fuel pump relay socket.
Since you are sure that the relay is good, then there is a problem in the other... two smaller pins. The RED one brings power to it. You can check for power there with a test light, with the ignition key turned ON/RUN. If no power, then you have to look back... why not?
What completes, the other side of the circuit is that the PCM grounds the Tan/LightGreen wire, if not... then we need to find out, why not?
In the middle of the Tan/Green wire (between the relay and the PCM) is the SELFTEST connector, the one you use for pulling diagnostic codes. It is right next to the fuel pump relay. If you replace the relay into its socket, and ground out the fuel pump test pin of the self test connector, the fuel pump should kick on continuously (with the key ON/RUN) That is of course provided that the Red one has power as we discussed above. IF the fuel pump kicks on, then the problem is that the PCM is not sending a ground.
If the PCM is not sending a good ground, the first thing to check is the PCM ground. Located at the driver's side hood hinge.
Here is a picture of the sleft test connector labled so you can determine the fuel pump self test pin.