yo J,
I always test the horn (if it worked before issue developed); a dud horn sound = electrical issues
When starter cranks engine over, is the cranking normal speed or slow?
Cranks Slow;
Inspect & if necessary, clean battery terminals; ensure all cables are clean & have tight connections
Measure the battery voltage before you start. Positive lead of Voltmeter to Pos. terminal of battery and the Negative lead of Voltmeter to Negative terminal of battery. 12.6 volts or better is good, if less then charge the battery first. crank the engine and note battery voltage, 9.6 volts is minimum. Anything less indicates a poorly charged or bad battery
Take battery to a parts store for a free check; such @ most NAPA stores, etc.
Try a Self Test for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)s by my pal, BroncoJoe19
The engine temperature must be greater than 50° F for the Key On Engine Off (KOEO) Self-Test
turn off all accessories/lights, etc.
Look Codes up & some testing Links in my broncolinks.com site using the new Search function.
And Post em here