These parts are commonly used & available via google searches
Following parts are commonly used & available via google searches:
You are looking for Thermactor Plugs, some use 5/8" by 11 by 1" SS bolts while others have welded holes closed.
Stainless Steel Thermactor Smog Plugs the holes in the back of your cylinder heads when removing the exhaust crossover tube. Comes with 2 stainless plugs and Loctite. Hex head makes installation easy when the engine is still in the vehicle.

by Ryan M.
Thermactor Smog Plugs, EGR Eliminator Overview, EGR Block Off Plate, EVR, CANP, TAB & TAD Actuator Eliminator Resistor & Parts List & pics; need one 75 ohm 3 watt Resistor for each item removed, EVR, CANP, TAB & TAD solenoids
by Ryan M. But company is out of business.
EGR Eliminator Installation Manual by Ryan M. @
Wayback Machine
Here is Ryan M's now closed parts site @
RJM Injection Tech ? Welcome
"...What you need to do is electrically plug in the TAB and TAD solenoids but remove the vacuum lines, then all the air injection plumbing and valves can be removed and the heads plugged. The EGR is a seperate system from the Thermactor and the computer treats it very differently, it also helps increase milage and power so it's a good idea to keep it anyway. If you have the DPFE system there is no way to bypass it without the computer knowing and throwing a code so you may as well keep it intact. you'll get codes if you remove the solenoids, the easiest way to avoid this is to just leave them plugged in. The TAB and TAD you could fake out pretty easy, but even the old EGR system can't be faked because the computer both commands valve movement and watches for feedback to confirm it happened, so a dummy resistor won't cut it.
Source: by Conanski
Ryan also sold;
Actuator Eliminator Resistor $2.00 each
75 ohm 3watt Resistors can also be used to eliminate the EVR, CANP, TAB & TAD solenoids.
A neat mod by jrichker; "...Put the resistor inside the heat shrink tubing and crimp the connectors on. I would choose the Ford pin connectors since they should plug in the TAB & TAD wiring. That way you haven't modified the wiring so it is easy to re-install the TAB & TAD solenoids if emissions testing comes to your area. 18 gauge crimp on taps..."
read more and see many pics.
at https://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/threads/are-the-tad-tab-vacuum-solenoids-needed.791134/
EGR Location & Block-Off Plate pic in an 89 @ https://www.supermotors.net/getfile/439467/fullsize/dsc02766.jpg
Source: by Tim C (TnTbronco2, Trail Truck, Street Truck, Crazed, Broke, OoG)
Call pciinc.com for the crossover tube, etc. They sell direct; NAPA and probably other parts stores carry their products.
Eliminator Overview, EGR Block Off Plate, EVR, CANP, TAB & TAD Actuator Eliminator Resistor & Parts List & pics; need one 75 ohm 3watt Resistor for each item removed, EVR, CANP, TAB & TAD solenoids
Some pics of each, but company is out of business
RJM Injection Tech
Smog Pump Belt Removal:
Removal, Belt in a 95 5.8; "... I have a 351, so i know mine is a little different. but my stock belt was 93.5 inches. when i took off the smog pump, i needed a belt 2 inches shorter. 91.5. thats the stock sized belt for a 90 bronco with a 302. so says the autparts store. if yours is like mine, and you need to lose two inches, try a belt 2 inchs smaller than stock. all my accesorys are placed like in the diagrame fireguy just posted. i also beleive there was a thread about this not to long ago, and people were listing part numbers...: by Alan T (GearHead)
Removal, Belt in an 88 5.0; "...I tried an 89.5" first, 2 inches shorter than stock and it was too long. So I went back hoping for something about 88 or so and all they had was a 87.5. It was a bit short and a royal pita to put on but it is running fine. A lil tight but it should hold till I get an 88.2 which they can order." by fright88
Removal, Belt Part Number 882K6 in an 88 5.0 by Barbaric35
Removal, Belt Part Number in an 89 5.8; NAPA Belt Part # 060825 by Cucamongan (Scotty) at SuperMotors.net
Removal, Belt Part Numbers & Applications in a 96 5.8; "...On my 96 5.8L I had to get a 95" belt (6k945) and it barely fit on it. 95.25 would of been better though..." by Cheapthrillb2
Removal, Belt Part Numbers & Applications in an 88 5.8 by El Bicho (wwatsonh, Will) @
Removal, Belt Part Numbers & Applications in an 89 5.8; "...Got a 91" belt and it fits perfectly, the pointer on the tensioner was right in the middle of the range area...: by moz_21
Smog pump Removal in a 93 5.8; "... I replaced the heads I took the air system off and have not have any codes but I made my own vacuum lines with mostly 3/16 fuel line there is a vacuum thing on the passanger side above the exhaust and one on the hose that comes up from the cat they go to two different sensors I just tied them together just remember the black goes to the top and tie the bottom ports together with small hose I used fuel line just because they are thicker..." see pics by bronco5.8 (Sam) at
Wiring resistors in for TAB/TAD Solenoids; "Put the resistor inside the heat shrink tubing and crimp the connectors on. I would choose the Ford pin connectors since they should plug in the TAB & TAD wiring. That way you haven't modified the wiring so it is easy to re-install the TAB & TAD solenoids if emissions testing comes to your area. 18 gauge crimp on taps Catalog # 64-3053
Two flat pin connectors.
One 82 ohm, 3 watt resistor. (diff Ford/..)
One piece 3/8" heat sink tubing 2" long.
Two pieces 3/16" heat shrink tubing 1 1/2" long.
Solder the pins onto the resistor leads using electrical solder.
Slide the 3/8" heat shrink tubing over the resistor.
Slide the two pieces of 3/16" heat shrink tubing over the two wires, leaving the flat part of the pins uncovered
It helps to have the resistor leads straight and not bent as shown in the first picture when you apply heat to the heat shrink tubing. That way, the tubing shrinks more evenly.
Finally, apply heat to shrink all the tubing uniformly
Bend the leads to fit the spacing on the female TAB & TAD connector sockets.
Push the connector pins of the completed resistor assembly into the empty female TAD or TAD connector sockets on the wiring harness. The resistor assemblies replace the missing solenoids: one resistor assembly per solenoid socket..."
read more and see many pics.
Block-Off Plate pic in an 89 by Tim C (TnTbronco2, Trail Truck, Street Truck, Crazed, Broke, OoG) at
http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_146245986167812&key=6ed47b392b9edfe394b9e89b72717104&libId=inuepu4g01000bgv000MAemp1417l&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fullsizebronco.com%2Fforum%2F21-noobie-bronco-tech-questions-flame-free-zone%2F417409-egr-smog-deletes.html&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.supermotors.net%2Fclubs%2Fsuperford%2Fvehicles%2Fregistry%2Fmedia%2F439467&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fullsizebronco.com%2Fforum%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchid%3D12800994%26pp%3D20%26page%3D4&title=EGR%20and%20Smog%20Deletes%20-%20Ford%20Bronco%20Forum&txt=1989%20Ford%20Bronco%20Misc%205%20picture%20%7C%20SuperMotors.netEGR Location & Block-Off Plate pic in an 89 @ https://www.supermotors.net/getfile/439467/fullsize/dsc02766.jpg by Tim C (TnTbronco2, Trail Truck, Street Truck, Crazed, Broke, OoG)
EGR Eliminator Installation Manual by Ryan M. @ gmail