So, is this correct?..
the in-tank pump is running & just air is coming out?
If so, then Elmo got it right-on too!
it could be the pump's pick -up filter (also called the sock) is clogged...or off or kinked...
"...Low-Pressure In-Tank Fuel Pump for '84-89 EFIs
The fuel pump is a motor with an impeller assembly, much like an oil pump, so it will allow fuel to leak backward into the tank when it's not running. This behavior is VITAL to the operation of the dual-function reservoir. Inexpensive aftermarket solenoid-stlye fuel pumps do not allow fuel to leak backward, and so inhibit the DFR"
by Steve83
.. give it a few more tries to see if it clears-up.
Don't run batty down and then jump it to start and let alternator charge batty...
just re-charge batty then try again