I've done a fairly thorough electrical check and found I'm not getting the roughly 6-9V hot into the ignition coil. This, of course, after I already replaced the ignition module and the distributor pick-up <_< I know the hot-into-coil circuit is the issue 'cuz running 12V hot from battery to ignition coil starts truck fine, but I don't want to run too long this way in fear of frying the coil.
My problem, I have no idea what the ballast resistor looks like/where it's located on this truck. And it's somewhat difficult to track the ignition switch circuit to coil since the switch is column located. Anybody have an illustration or digital image of what/where the ballast resistor is. Thanks!@
My problem, I have no idea what the ballast resistor looks like/where it's located on this truck. And it's somewhat difficult to track the ignition switch circuit to coil since the switch is column located. Anybody have an illustration or digital image of what/where the ballast resistor is. Thanks!@