yo 95,
I assume it cranked over vigorously at normal speed?
If so
How to Troubleshoot a No Start
(Ford 4.9L, 5.0L, 5.8L)
See if you can borrow a HEI Spark tester from local parts store for a refundable deposit or make your own as described in a google search; such as
Was check engine light (CEL) on before it stalled? if so, Try a Self Test for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)s by my pal, BroncoJoe19
A helper is good to assist in reading Codes; best is to take a cell fone vid and replay it.
Some basics;
Visual Check If you know where the sensors are, if not; just check batty charge
Battery is fully charged
1.Inspect the air cleaner and inlet ducting.
2.Check all engine vacuum hoses for damage, leaks, cracks, blockage, proper routing, etc.
3.Check EEC system wiring harness for proper connections, bent or broken pins, corrosion, loose wires, proper routing, etc.
4.Check the Powertrain Control Module (PCM), sensors and actuators for physical damage
5.Check the engine coolant for proper level and mixture.
6.Check the transmission fluid level and quality.
7.Make all necessary repairs before continuing
8. Check headlights
The engine temperature must be greater than 50° F for the Key On Engine Off (KOEO) Self-Test
Make sure transmission is in Park (automatic); or in Neutral for a Manual & release clutch.
Turn off all accessories; radio, lights, A/C, heater, blower, fans, etc. (close driver's door)
Do KOEO test
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