I have a 95 Bronco XLT Auto Trans 302. Since it's gotten cold I have been having a weird and puzzling somewhat intermittent problemproblem. In the morning when the engine is cold I'll turn the key hear the fuel pump run up and stop after it's up to pressure, I'll turn the key and 75% of the time it will turn over and not start. If I let it sit with the key on occasionally I'll sometimes hear the pump come on again. When I do I'll crank the engine and it will start. Others times I'll turn the key off and back on and the pump runs and it starts. It will idle fine and I'll let it sit and warm up fora short period of time till it settles down to normal idle and then back out and start driving. It runs fine, no hesitation no nothing. I'll be driving and go through numerous stops and starts for lights, traffic etc, with idle fine and all that. Then after maybe 2-3 miles with engine temp now up to nomal I'll come up to a light and stop and it wil die. No cough, no hesitation nothing. I'll go to start it and it will crank but not start. If I let it sit for a few minutes and try again it starts and off I go. The rest of the day it's fine and won't repeat the cycle at all. I can stop and let it sit for hours in 30 degree weather and it's fine all day. The other scenerio is that if I do the above and I get on the interstate BEFORE it has stalled once I'll be driving along at 55 MPH normal temp etc and then all of a sudden the engine will die, RPM's drop to zero and then without taking my foot off the gas 2 seconds later it will pick back up and along I go the rest of the day no problems.
I have had it into my mechanic and he found no codes at all. I left it with him for several days so he could troubleshoot and he said he found corroded green contacts on the coil and was getting no spark when trying to start it. He installed a new coil and said he couldn't get it to re-occur. I figured it was resolved. Next morning after getting it back I went out and it started fine. Driving along and after several miles and normal temp etc it stalls out as before as I was slowing for a light. I pull over let it sit for 2minutes and it starts fine and runs the rest of the day.
I am puzzeled as if it were intermittent grounds or connections I would expect to see more random stalls etc to the problem. I almost think it is the EGR that may be hanging open ONE time and not closing when slowing or stopping and going to idle mode but that doesn't make sense for when it stalls on the highway. Doesn't make sense to me with this all happening once and then being fine he rest of the day
Sorry for the long windedness but I figured to little would prompt questions. hopefully you guys can give a little insight or have seen this before.
I have had it into my mechanic and he found no codes at all. I left it with him for several days so he could troubleshoot and he said he found corroded green contacts on the coil and was getting no spark when trying to start it. He installed a new coil and said he couldn't get it to re-occur. I figured it was resolved. Next morning after getting it back I went out and it started fine. Driving along and after several miles and normal temp etc it stalls out as before as I was slowing for a light. I pull over let it sit for 2minutes and it starts fine and runs the rest of the day.
I am puzzeled as if it were intermittent grounds or connections I would expect to see more random stalls etc to the problem. I almost think it is the EGR that may be hanging open ONE time and not closing when slowing or stopping and going to idle mode but that doesn't make sense for when it stalls on the highway. Doesn't make sense to me with this all happening once and then being fine he rest of the day
Sorry for the long windedness but I figured to little would prompt questions. hopefully you guys can give a little insight or have seen this before.
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