G'day everyone,
I'm new here, and I apologise in advance if this is not the proper forum for this post, or if this is a FAQ that has been answered elsewhere (my searches of previous posts didn't turn anything up...)
I have a '96 Bronco that I need to tow about 1,500 miles (Nebraska to New York) when I move next month. I also need to rent a small (16-17') moving truck to haul my stuff (the largest rental trailers I've seen that I could tow are inadequate). I've checked with Penske and U-Haul, and they've both told me that the Bronco is too big (width and weight) for their trailers. I've measured the Penske trailer, and believe that that the Bronco would fit (snugly; the trailer is just under 80" wide), but I would guess that it is 500 pounds or so over the maximum rated capacity of the trailer (4,055 lbs).
So I would appreciate any recommendations -- how can I safely and most cheaply haul the Bronco cross-country? Are there other one-way moving hire companies that I'm forgetting to check with?
I'm new here, and I apologise in advance if this is not the proper forum for this post, or if this is a FAQ that has been answered elsewhere (my searches of previous posts didn't turn anything up...)
I have a '96 Bronco that I need to tow about 1,500 miles (Nebraska to New York) when I move next month. I also need to rent a small (16-17') moving truck to haul my stuff (the largest rental trailers I've seen that I could tow are inadequate). I've checked with Penske and U-Haul, and they've both told me that the Bronco is too big (width and weight) for their trailers. I've measured the Penske trailer, and believe that that the Bronco would fit (snugly; the trailer is just under 80" wide), but I would guess that it is 500 pounds or so over the maximum rated capacity of the trailer (4,055 lbs).
So I would appreciate any recommendations -- how can I safely and most cheaply haul the Bronco cross-country? Are there other one-way moving hire companies that I'm forgetting to check with?