Very carefully
. No joke, when the tail gate is down the tortion bar is loaded and ready to spring. When removing the bracket attached to the right rear 1/4 panel, close the gate as far as possible while removing the bracket and keep your fingers out of striking range, (probably would help to have someone esle hold the tail gate up while you worked from inside removing the bolts). Having the tail gate closed as far as possible takes the load off the bar. Once the tortion bar is disconnected from the 1/4 panel post and you hopefully still have your fingers, there are two bolts on the bottom of the tail gate that hold the inside brackets. I would raise the window about 1/2 way after removing the access panel to get it out of the way before removing the bolts to the tortion bar inside brackets.
So you get the idea, it has a potential to hurt you real bad so be careful.
Good luck,