So I've had a working tailgate for a week now, and I've already messed it up. I had to pull out my parking brake today to get the ratchet on it freed up. Well, somewhere along the way I must have done something to the wiring because my back window switch won't work, and my left blinker won't blink. It comes on, just won't blink. Wipers and lights seem to work fine. Everything else looks good too.
I reseated the connection at the switch itself, checked the fuses, and looked for anything that came unplugged. I found the usual plethora of disconneced ends in there, but nothing that looked like it had come unplugged, and certainly nothing that had a mate that I could find.
I'm probably gonna hate the answers, but any ideas?
P.S.-I did get the parking brake fixed. Managed to twist the bolt in half with a stuck nut, but there's still enough there to get it back on. Guess I'm stronger than I thought!!
I reseated the connection at the switch itself, checked the fuses, and looked for anything that came unplugged. I found the usual plethora of disconneced ends in there, but nothing that looked like it had come unplugged, and certainly nothing that had a mate that I could find.
I'm probably gonna hate the answers, but any ideas?
P.S.-I did get the parking brake fixed. Managed to twist the bolt in half with a stuck nut, but there's still enough there to get it back on. Guess I'm stronger than I thought!!