yo G,
Try a Self Test for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)s by my pal, BroncoJoe19
A helper is good to assist in reading Codes; best is to take a cell fone vid and replay it.
Some basics;
Visual Check
Battery is fully charged
1.Inspect the air cleaner and inlet ducting.
.Check the transmission fluid level and quality. See E4OD Fluid Condition Check Below)
7.Make all necessary repairs before continuing
8. Check headlights
The engine temperature must be greater than 50° F for the Key On Engine Off (KOEO) Self-Test and greater than 180° F for the Key On Engine Running (KOER) Self-Test.
Run it around to heat the engine up and shift thru all gears including Reverse.
Make sure A/C is off and transmission is in Park (automatic); or in Neutral for a Manual & release clutch.
Turn off all accessories; radio, lights, A/C, heater, blower, fans, etc. (close driver's door)
Then turn off engine and wait 10 seconds.
Do KOEO test First
Post Code(s) here according to:
See the 94 Ford PCED Diagnostic Routines Index @
Concerns, Hard Start/Long Crank/Erratic Start/Erratic Crank Chart Number 2
Good for vacuum check; as Ford states, "When vacuum leaks are indicated, search out and correct the condition. Excess air leaking into the system will upset the fuel mixture and cause conditions such as rough idle, missing on acceleration, or burned valves. If the leak exists in an accessory unit, such as the power brake, the unit will not function correctly. ALWAYS SERVICE VACUUM LEAKS"
This includes the HVAC system under dash and in engine bay; as long as all air flow comes thru proper registers on dash, floor and defroster HVAC vac system is ok
Anyway, here is my Vacuum Leak Test
post #20