Well engine size would be helpful... saying "turn over" I'm pretty sure you mean it cranks but doesn't fire. when was the last time it did run? what was done since then?
We will asume it has compression, so check to see if you have fuel (pull a plug and smell for gas) do you hear the fuel pump working?, you can also check the fuel pressure if you got the equipment. But if not move on and check for spark. So take that plug you just pulled and ground it, while turning the motor over look for a spark. If you got spark, check your Gap to what it should be (not knowing the engine size at this point I can't help you) If that one is off, regap all your plugs. If you have spark then check your firing order. 5.0 is 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8 the 5.8 is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 I don't know the firing order of the straight 6 off the top of my head. right bank (passenger side) from the front of the motor to the rear is 1-4, so the left bank from the front to the rear is 5-8 and the distributor is counter clockwise rotation.
Just keep it simple, you need to find what is causing the non fire start. that should get you going in the right direction. you need compression, spark, fuel, air in the correct timing. also check your codes and or trace fuses if you think fuel or spark is your problem.