I have a question ? "I have a 91 Eddie Bauer " I have been reading the tech posts
about putting springs up front from a F-250 or leveling dprings to get a "4" lift. My question is What year or years of a F-250 and what size of springs do I ask for if I call an offroad shop to get them new. If I do this will i need to put a leaf or blocks in the rear end to make it level. Also do I need to get extended brake lines etc. for the "4" this will gie me. I know this sounds like the cheap way to go but some punk slashed three of my tires and I had to dip into my savings for a lift kit to by new tires. Oh if I have "33" 12.5 size tires if that helps. I thank you for any info you can help me with. Thanx
about putting springs up front from a F-250 or leveling dprings to get a "4" lift. My question is What year or years of a F-250 and what size of springs do I ask for if I call an offroad shop to get them new. If I do this will i need to put a leaf or blocks in the rear end to make it level. Also do I need to get extended brake lines etc. for the "4" this will gie me. I know this sounds like the cheap way to go but some punk slashed three of my tires and I had to dip into my savings for a lift kit to by new tires. Oh if I have "33" 12.5 size tires if that helps. I thank you for any info you can help me with. Thanx