I know it's bad form to reply to your own posts, but I discovered a way to test which wires are positive and which are negative that I thought I'd share for anyone else that may have the same problem:
First, make note of which wire connects to which terminal on the speaker in question. The way I did this was to take a marker and mark on the magnet which wire hooked up to which side. (ex. Let's say you have a blue wire and a green wire coming into the speaker (I didn't worry about the tracer colors since the main colors were different in my case) write 'bl' on the blue side and 'gr' on the green side) Then, disconnect the speaker, take a 9 volt battery and hook it up to the leads on the speaker. If the speaker moves out, you connected it properly. If it moves in, then the polarity is reversed. Now, let's say the green side ended up being positive, mark a '+' under 'gr' and a '-' under 'bl'. Now, you can clip the OEM connector and add your spade connectors to the proper wires using the back of the speaker as a guide.
Hope this information can be of use to someone