if it is anything like my 95 their is a double seal behind the rotor when u remove it. replace both halfs and use plenty of grease in the middle of them. u might haveto get them from ford because i went to autozone and they had the wrong seals. twice they ordered them and both times wrong

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> but for the price of wheel bearings i would just get new as for removeing them, you will need to first remove the torx holding the cover on.
next remove the snap ring holding the autohub on.( have a friend hold/push it in while removeing the snapring)
next their will be a bunch of spacers-shims they must go back in as u take them out just place them in order as they come out.
next will come a pin that go half-way around the axle that is the wheel bearing pre-load hold down. remove that then use a small punch to spin off the bearing hold down nut. then the hub should just slide off. take out the outer/smaller wheel bearing and put the hub back on with the nut. then simply use the nut and with a little force use a slide hammer action to pull out the rear bearing and seal.
if u need rotors then now is the time to do them. you will need to knock out the wheel studs and then pull off the abs ring gear the the rotor should just fall off the hub, or lightly tap.
don't forget to use new races if u replace the wheel bearings inside the hub. get a rent a tool from autozone. it will make the prosess a lot easer. Oh and one more thing clean out all the grease and use a good synthetic greese. it will last longer and keep things cooler.

>- good luck man