Man, you sure know how to make "well, me" feel like an ass. I've always wanted to build a **** of a performance motor and people think I'm crazy for wanting to stuff it in a Bronco but the fact of the matter is, my Bronco doesn't see off road or street races or anything in between. It just sees a hefty righ foot all the time. Yeah, I could go get a stang and make it run 12's or 10's but the're everywhere. I want something I MYSELF enjoy and have it for whatever I want it for. I hope I'm not souding like a **** or anything because I'm not trying to. I just want a decent HP motor that's fuel injected in my Bronco. Not to mention I want to replace my crank due to my oil problem and a new crank is something like $200 (this isn't a part I'm willing to get from a junk yard) and I can get the assy. for around the same. On another note, anyone have the cumbustion size on stock 91 351w police interceptor heads are? Know where I can get it? Thanks! Sorry for the outrageus Q's too...
Aw c'mon, I'm just funning with ya.
Trust me, I've been down that road. You can do all sorts of $hit to a car & all you'll ever do is make it go faster and that *always* ends with a court date & you walking for some State-determined period of time. Put the same time & effort into a truck and you've increase the places it can go and the range of things it can do. World of difference.
Sure, with the probs you've had swapping out the rotating assembly isn't a bad idea, just don't let the seller 'jack you for extra $$$ over the balanced aspect of the parts. Unless you plan to spin upwards of 7K I wouldn't worry *too* much about that but if you can get a good price on the parts than run with but use the info to dicker him down. Ask him *why* the balance job is something you should pay extra for in a street truck, if it's REALLY that much added value then he should be happy to hang onto it until a dedicated racer comes along willing to pay a premium for something he finds usefull. That's all, sorry if it didn't come out that way. I answered it right after coming home with my junkyard jewel and popped open a couple cold ones a few hours earlier than I usually do. My bad.
I'll look around but I don't think the Interceptor heads were any different the the other million or so they installed that year. I was a Mass. Officer in 91' and we picked up several new cruisers that year. As a rule the Police Package was HD suspension, radiator, alt, belts & hoses, oil & tranny coolers and those stoopid little hubcaps. There are other options like the "dark car", ignition cut-off, 140mph certified calibration speedo, etc but as far as engine mods went I believe the heads were just stock production heads. I spent some time talking to a dealer salesman about it when we had to bring back a 3 DAY old cruiser that some pinhead had slammed. The Chief told us to wait until Monday but the Lt didn't want to wait & grabbed it Fri after the Chief went home. Sunday night a guy one of the Sgt's was following didn't see anyone behing him & threw his truck into reverse & lit up the tires. Right into the nose of our brand new unmarked. NOT the thing for him to have done. At any rate, the engines are largely stock because the HiPo versions tend to burn out after 5 or 6 yrs of 24/7 operation. The Mustangs were an exception but we never had any of those, cheap-a$$ Chief.
Aw ****, the questions are challenging <grin>