No, the 8 to 10 psi is when idling like at a stop sign. When you are at idle the oil pump is turning slowly and the oil leaks out of the bearings nearly as fast as the pump can pump it. Say you are idling at 600 rpm, and you speed up to 1200 to ease off from a stop. Your pump is pumping twice as much oil at 1200 than at 600, and your oil pressure should go up some. When driving your rpm is probably at least 1800 which means three times as much oil is being pumped as when at idle. You will likely have decent oil pressure when driving. Use a good filter that will pass oil easily. Walmart has Motorcraft filters at good prices.
If 20W50 doesn't give enough oil pressure, it is possible to add an oil thickner like Lucas, STP, Motor Honey, etc. but I would avoid this if possible as it could get too thick for easy starting in winter, depending on where you live. When my original 302 was on it's last legs I was using 20W50 and adding two bottles of STP. I ran it like that for a couple of years before I decided to put in a remanufactured long block. I'm sure it would have gone much farther if necessary.