Hi Spado..,
"i got a leak somewhere in the back of my motor it is driping onto my exhaust and causing alot of smoke. Any ideas?"
Could be a leak somewhere on the motor, above the exhaust, leaking on the exh., causing smoke.. :-B
"coolant has been draining pretty bad on long drives i was thinking it was my freeze plugs"
Can you see where it's draining from..?
Seriously.., >

< <'> it's going to take some effort---cleaning & wiping to find leaks.... on the back of eng. an oil leak would most likely be the rear intake gasket.
"...thinking it was my freeze plugs. any ideas?"
Possible, but usually this happens on a really old eng. or one that's been neglected.
Look for water dripping fr. the exhaust pipes. (this would indicate a bad head gasket)
Good luck..,
BTW.., it could be the coolant leak .., landing on exhaust, causing smoke...