yo Brian,
Was one of the Codes you cleared
452 Insufficient input from Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) to Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
Before buying any parts;
This problem could be caused by a # of things;
bad vehicle speed sensor (VSS) (also called ABS, DSS sensor) on 8.8 (rear differential)/ or Connector/corroded wires inside connector;
or cruddy/damaged tone ring in the 8.8.
bad 4WABS Module - It is located below ws wiper fluid/coolant recovery tank. So, the connector can be corroded by leaking fluid; & its microprocessors are known to burn out as mine did a few years ago; see more below
bad wiring/shorts /connectors from VSS at firewall, at 4WABS Module and /or at PSOM and then onto the PCM
bad PSOM (Speedo)
the locations of the connectors along the path from VSS to 4WABS and up to Instr Cluster & PSOM are;
C404 VSS On rear axle sensor (A7) Terminals: 02
C205 LH rear of engine compartment, in safety wall (Fire Wall) Terminals: 24 In-Line
C202F & M LH rear of engine compartment, in safety wall (A8) Terminal: 7 In-Line
C119 LH front corner of engine compartment on 4WABS control module (E10),Terminals: 40
O/LB to:
C202F & M LH rear of engine compartment, in safety wall (A8) Terminal: 7 In-Line
C252 Programmable Speedometer/Odometer Module (PSOM), Behind top LH side of I/P, on PSOM (A7) Terminal: 12 Color: B at Pins 4
LG/Y to Splice S107 Engine control sensor harness, from C119 near T/O to G101 (G101 RH side of Radiator support); to PSOM Pin 5
C202 F and M
and spliced to Ground G100 (BK)
G100 & G104 (tied together in diagram) G100 @ LH front of engine compartment, on upper radiator support
G100 Serves Component:
Fuel Pump Module
Inertia Fuel Shutoff
Misfire Sensor
Misfire Sensor Shield
Output Shaft Speed (OSS) Sensor
Powertrain Control Module (PCM), 5.0L
From PSOM Pin 7 (GY/BK) to Splice S246 Main harness, near T/O to speed control amplifier to
C185 PK/O @ PCM 5.0L Powertrain Control Module (PCM) LH side of safety wall, on powertrain control module (PCM) (C10) Terminal: 104 Color: GY
C185, 5.8L Powertrain Control Module (PCM) LH side of safety wall, on powertrain control module (PCM) (C10) Terminal: 104 Color: GY
C185 @PCM to C202 F and M
Splice 216 to Ground G200, Instrument Cluster ground is inside passenger side kick panel
and on to C185 @ PCM PIN 58 (GY/BK) and from Pin 46 to MLPS (TR) Pin 2
Verify PCM & MLPS wiring & Pin numbers using following WIRING DIAGRAMs by Ford via Steve83
(my eyesight is fuzzy again)
PSOM diagram for 96 Bronco.'93-95 similar by Ford via Steve83
Odometer & Keyless Entry Inoperative; Fuse 8 Overload, Possible Short In Circuit 54 TSB 95-14-11 for 94-95 Bronco & F Series; also affected Inoperative Courtesy, Map, Engine & Glove Compartment, Dome, Vanity, & Cargo Lamps & Inoperative Power Mirrors
Here is
ONLY a SHORT EXCERPT of the Pin-Point Testing Process by Ford;
Check Fuses 8 & 18 in Cab fuse block (lower left of dash by driver's left knee)
If no 12 v on Supply Side of each; look in Power Distribution Box (Located under the hood on the drivers side fenderwell, on driver's side of the air cleaner housing)
and check **** FUSES J & S
Fuse Block Diagram in a 94 Bronco & F-Series
by Ford via Steve
My 96's same symptoms were erratic until the 4WABS Module's microprocessors finally burnt-out. I had one go bad and 2 yard Modules were also bad; so I jumped the Module out as Turbo Ghost describes below.
To bypass the 4WABS module @ it's harness's connector & feed the ABS signal directly to the PSOM,
Disconnect module (under coolant recovery /ws washer tank)
a pic of the connector and jumpers; Continuity Test Through 4WABS Module Connector in 93-96; "... in connector, jumper 14 (CKT 530, LG/Y) to 21 (CKT 519 (LG/BK) & 39 (CKT 491 (O/LB) to 22 (CKT 523, R/PK)
by Turbo Ghost
Speed Input Signal Test @ PSOM in 93-96 Bronco; "...NOTE: Only wiring harness end of connector is to be probed. * Connect Rotunda Digital Volt-Ohmmeter 014-00407 or equivalent to Pin 4 (speed in ) and Pin 5 (speed in -). * Does the voltage increase smoothly and continuously from 0 to approximately 3.5 volts as vehicle speed increases from 0 to 48 km/h (0 to 30 mph)? OR: If available, a frequency counter may be connected to Pin 4 (Speed in ) and Pin 5 (Speed in -). Does the displayed frequency of the signal increase smoothly and continuously from 0 to approximately 667 Hz at approximately 48 km/h (30 mph)? OR: * If neither a voltmeter nor frequency counter is available, vehicle speed control may be used as a good indicator. If it works normally, then the speedometer module is at least receiving a speed input signal and the wiring and sensor & tone ring can be assumed to be good.
This is tuff to do; suggest using str8 pins to back probe the connector
Tone Ring Inspection; "Take off the rear diff cover. Check the Ring Tone gear. It is located on the left hand side of the ring gear. Look to see if any of the teeth have been notched (from debris floating around in the diff.) Usually a spider gear. If the ring tone gear has been notched, it will need to be replaced to fix your speedo reading. Jack it up and rotate the tires to look for the teeth to be notched/broken/bent..."
Source: by Bighibbi
more VSS info in my ARCHIVED site @