2nd tour is right, those cheapie kits **** wind. A small screwdriver works as long as you exert enuf finger pressure to release it. A Snap-on or other pro kit is really nice but not many of us drop the coinage on stuff like that. But for Goodness sake PLEASE remember to try & bleed off some of the fuel pressure first. Popping off a fuel filter under line pressure is one of those mistakes that you only make ONCE because I promise you you'll *always* remember to do it after you forget just once. It'll be an experience you will remember, trust me on that one.
Regardless of *how* you do it, checking the fuel filter is a good idea.
Sorry to hear you got juiced. Back in the day we used to get a good giggle out of charging up a points condenser by holding it with a pair of insulated pliers & then quickly tossing it to an unsuspecting friend or co-worker & shouting "catch". It doesn't make you a lot of friends at the office Christmas party but it sure is good for a laugh (and yes, I caught *more* than my share before learning to jump AWAY from anything thrown with the words "Hey, catch") unfortunately kids today just don't learn that trick with all these electronic ignitions and all. ****, kids today don't even know what dwell IS, much less how to measure it, but I guess that's a whole different thread.