Heres my story ( lol ) My 89 idles very low when the air conditioning pump turns on it will damn near **** it . I cleaned the IAC ( idle air control ) and the throttle body and it helped a little but still not right . I had a 96 5.0 sitting there so I robbed the IAC off it and as soon as it started it would die wouldnt idle a bit so I checked with my buddy that works at ford and he told me that the newer and some of the replacement IAC,s that you get from the part store have a diode in them now for those that dont know a diode works like an electric check valve only lets power flow one way . So when I put that newer IAC on my 89 it wasnt allowing it to operate because of the diode that is in it . He told me that if I ran into that again to just take the 2 pins out of the connector and reverse them and it will be fine . So if anyone is swapping parts around and run into this heres the reason . I never did find out what was wrong with mine I was thinking the TPS but never got around to swapping it out and I am now in the process of putting a 5.8 in it because the 5.0 decided to blow chunks . So theres a whole new learning experience with what computer works with what and what you can and connot do with EEC fuel injection . When I put it in though im installing all brand new sensors to make sure I know where im starting from . Hope that helps
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