Here is a blurp from a reply I gave someone else on here a while back... My drivers side hub fell out in pieces when I took it apart that day. I put some premium Warn hubs on it and I'm very satisfied with their performance.
"Hey man, just yesterday I replaced my factory manual hubs with new Warns on my 93. I also replaced both my inner and outer wheel bearings, bearing seals, rotors and pads. All the info is fresh in my mind so I'll type it all out. If it has Warn manual hubs on it already, just put the same ones back on it. I don't think it will matter if it was converted over from auto hubs or not. If you want to turn the rotors while you have them off you'll have to remove the ABS ring on the back to get the lugnuts off. I just carefully popped the lugnuts through, pushed them against the ABS ring and lightly tapped on them from the front on all four sides. The ring is pressed on, but isn't very hard to get off. If it won't come off easily, remove the inner bearing seal and inner wheel bearing, clean out all the grease in there and apply a little heat with a torch. Not too much though. It should pop right off then. Be careful though, I'm not sure what kind of metal that ring is made of, but it sure isn't steel and it will break. Simply tap it back on with a hammer to reinstall it. If your old bearings were bad, I would use some fine grit emery cloth to smooth the surface on the shaft before installing new wheel bearings. I reccommend pounding out the race for each bearing and replacing them as well. Some people do, some people don't. The warn hubs should be just two pieces; the hub itself and the cover. Make sure you take off both the retaining clip on the inner spline and the retaining clip along the outside edge of the hub. If your brake calipers are the type that have the punch pins, I would replace those pins as well. Mine were starting to rust through and the caliper was loose. Plus they were only $0.80 a piece at NAPA. I got my hubs for $80 a pair at NAPA. All in all, both sides only took me about three hours total to fix."
Hope that helps.