YUP, had this *exact* same problem with MY aod, the one in my 88'. The engine is fine, it revs to the moon but it doesn't move the freaking truck a damn foot when it's doing so. It revs's about 3K and I'm run down the street at about 7mph, my neighbors just LOVE it when I do this. If I"m willing to chance things my trrany WILL shift into 2nd but only after I get it up to about 20mph and then it SLAMS into second hard enough to knock small children out of the back. Near as I can tell first is just blown and every now & then I'm able to kick it into second but the shift is pretty freaking violent. THIS is why I parked it and it's also why I have a boneyard AOD sitting here on the tranny jack ready to go in over the next few days.
To answer your specific quetions, if you've *already* ck'd & adjusted the throttle pressure then there isn't a lot more you can do, the problem is more serious than that. Either pull it & have a bench rebuild done or swap it out for a rebuilt unit. One or the other, There just isn't a lot of middle ground to be had.