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Run at tonys is officaly over.
Attendance was low, but we had, me,my g/f, my lil bro, ( they didnt show till 2) 2 jeeps Chris and Bob from defiance ohio and Steve ( www.mrtaillight.com ) in a FS bronco. and of course our passangers.
Headed for the trails around 11, and the first place we went to was the hills, and messed around there for a little while. Heading up the steepeest there... KABAAM!!! I stop moving, hit the clutch to roll down the hill, go about 6 inches and stop. So I climb out, low and behold rear d shaft is jammed under a rock. The right leaf pack, snapped at the axle, breaking every spring, driving the drive shaft foward, which snapped the ****** off of at the rear end, and blew the caps apart int he cardan (sp?) joint at the tcase, and it tore the seal, so she leaking a little now. Then off to me left I hear KABAAM again, and someone yells... THERES A TREE THERE. Steve assisted me off of the hill side, and I went to check out the other KABAAM... here I see Chris backed against a tree in the middle of a hill... with the back of his metal hard top caved in. Steve and Bob, anchored from the top of the hill for a winch point, and we winch him up and shoved him away from the tree. No harm done just soem major body damage tot he back of the jeep. I removed my rear shaft, and try to get up out of the valley in 2wd, on the easy trail, at the top I blew a tire offa a bead, and had to change that. By now it was 1 and time to go meet the others at Tonys. Bob hooked to me to get em up a hill, and his tow point tore out of the frame. But we finally got me out and we made it back to Tony's. Messed around there a little while Steve ran in and got food for everyone. we ate, and went down into the crick at Tony's to wiat for Dani, and my lil bro. ( I "borrowed" Dani's (my g/f) bII for the time being.) And lead them in... I go, and make it, chris makes it.. steve gets in and after a differant path,and shoving his tail light to near his rear tire makes it... Bob, who is on 31 mt's and open frotn and rear, gets hung up... we drag him forward, hangs up again, and finally we get him out. I drop back in to cross the crick farther on up, make it, chris makes it, and then, Bob is stuck again... chris backed down to get him, and gets stuck, we winch chris out with his winch ( it saved the day many times today) got him out, got bob out, and Steve turns around, to go back the way we came, so he wouldnt get hung up too, By this time Dani called and was waiting for us at the field. I cirlce bob and chris around, and cross the crick at another spot, and make it fine. Steve goes the revers of his trail, and head first he went, into a hole in the crick bed... his 36 inch tire, showing only 4 inches.. So I call Dani, and say her and my bro mayswell coem fidn us. And then they show up. Back across I go in Dani's, and hook to him, hopefulylt o drag his rear side ways, for a striaght tug in him. Crunched the door up a little, but never did get him drug. Chris goes in, and gets stuckc omming out, where Bob, dug ruts at when he got stuck, and kncoked out both tail lights, out comes the winch again, and he works in behind steve, and fairly easily he came out. we got chris and steve back across the crick, then I got Dani's BII stuck, and chirs ****** me out. and then we headed back to Johnnies.. took the easy trail into the crick, Chirs's jeep bound up on a rock, and wouldnt let the clutch release, so we drug him off of there and adjusted it alittle. And away we went again. Up on to the right away for teh oil well, and to the gass line trail we found last weekend... We go one at a time, Dani first, we decide to go for that island thing again, she made it easy enough, but kncoked her rear glass out on a tree ( good thing I saved the good one from my BII, cuase this is still in too good of shape to lose them) And then she get stuck facing up a hill. My brother is next, and we decide to go for the route we ende dup takign last time, at the first dry spot he stops, and says, you do it, so I get in, and go... and I stop in the middle, so I back up, and work it a little and finally make it out. Chris' turn get off to the rigth a little to far,a dn his 33, sinks to invisible. out comes his winch again, and finally through he is. Bob goes, and make it with no troubles. Steve is alst, and he powers right throough. We strap to dani's and get her to us. Reast of the trail is failry simple and by then it was dark so we proceeded to tonys. I took a donation to update the Tonys Photobucket, and raised 31 dollars, enough to the upgrade and 6 to use on the Waste Managment bill, for the pit. thanks to Steve, Bob, Bob's Dad, and Chirs for the donations. We have LOTS of pictures, and are still uploading.
Run at tonys is officaly over.
Attendance was low, but we had, me,my g/f, my lil bro, ( they didnt show till 2) 2 jeeps Chris and Bob from defiance ohio and Steve ( www.mrtaillight.com ) in a FS bronco. and of course our passangers.
Headed for the trails around 11, and the first place we went to was the hills, and messed around there for a little while. Heading up the steepeest there... KABAAM!!! I stop moving, hit the clutch to roll down the hill, go about 6 inches and stop. So I climb out, low and behold rear d shaft is jammed under a rock. The right leaf pack, snapped at the axle, breaking every spring, driving the drive shaft foward, which snapped the ****** off of at the rear end, and blew the caps apart int he cardan (sp?) joint at the tcase, and it tore the seal, so she leaking a little now. Then off to me left I hear KABAAM again, and someone yells... THERES A TREE THERE. Steve assisted me off of the hill side, and I went to check out the other KABAAM... here I see Chris backed against a tree in the middle of a hill... with the back of his metal hard top caved in. Steve and Bob, anchored from the top of the hill for a winch point, and we winch him up and shoved him away from the tree. No harm done just soem major body damage tot he back of the jeep. I removed my rear shaft, and try to get up out of the valley in 2wd, on the easy trail, at the top I blew a tire offa a bead, and had to change that. By now it was 1 and time to go meet the others at Tonys. Bob hooked to me to get em up a hill, and his tow point tore out of the frame. But we finally got me out and we made it back to Tony's. Messed around there a little while Steve ran in and got food for everyone. we ate, and went down into the crick at Tony's to wiat for Dani, and my lil bro. ( I "borrowed" Dani's (my g/f) bII for the time being.) And lead them in... I go, and make it, chris makes it.. steve gets in and after a differant path,and shoving his tail light to near his rear tire makes it... Bob, who is on 31 mt's and open frotn and rear, gets hung up... we drag him forward, hangs up again, and finally we get him out. I drop back in to cross the crick farther on up, make it, chris makes it, and then, Bob is stuck again... chris backed down to get him, and gets stuck, we winch chris out with his winch ( it saved the day many times today) got him out, got bob out, and Steve turns around, to go back the way we came, so he wouldnt get hung up too, By this time Dani called and was waiting for us at the field. I cirlce bob and chris around, and cross the crick at another spot, and make it fine. Steve goes the revers of his trail, and head first he went, into a hole in the crick bed... his 36 inch tire, showing only 4 inches.. So I call Dani, and say her and my bro mayswell coem fidn us. And then they show up. Back across I go in Dani's, and hook to him, hopefulylt o drag his rear side ways, for a striaght tug in him. Crunched the door up a little, but never did get him drug. Chris goes in, and gets stuckc omming out, where Bob, dug ruts at when he got stuck, and kncoked out both tail lights, out comes the winch again, and he works in behind steve, and fairly easily he came out. we got chris and steve back across the crick, then I got Dani's BII stuck, and chirs ****** me out. and then we headed back to Johnnies.. took the easy trail into the crick, Chirs's jeep bound up on a rock, and wouldnt let the clutch release, so we drug him off of there and adjusted it alittle. And away we went again. Up on to the right away for teh oil well, and to the gass line trail we found last weekend... We go one at a time, Dani first, we decide to go for that island thing again, she made it easy enough, but kncoked her rear glass out on a tree ( good thing I saved the good one from my BII, cuase this is still in too good of shape to lose them) And then she get stuck facing up a hill. My brother is next, and we decide to go for the route we ende dup takign last time, at the first dry spot he stops, and says, you do it, so I get in, and go... and I stop in the middle, so I back up, and work it a little and finally make it out. Chris' turn get off to the rigth a little to far,a dn his 33, sinks to invisible. out comes his winch again, and finally through he is. Bob goes, and make it with no troubles. Steve is alst, and he powers right throough. We strap to dani's and get her to us. Reast of the trail is failry simple and by then it was dark so we proceeded to tonys. I took a donation to update the Tonys Photobucket, and raised 31 dollars, enough to the upgrade and 6 to use on the Waste Managment bill, for the pit. thanks to Steve, Bob, Bob's Dad, and Chirs for the donations. We have LOTS of pictures, and are still uploading.