Rear main seal
Figure you have a C6, if so;
Check vacuum Modulator, it's hose to engine vacuum tree or fitting.
"When I draw up the transmission to the block, why can’t I turn the crankshaft?
A. The torque converter was not installed all the way into the pump. The converter must engage the input shaft, stator support and pump gear lugs. With the converter installed properly, the converter hub will be deeper than the straight edge surface of the bell housing. With the transmission bolted tight to the block, you should be able to wiggle the converter stud easily in the flywheel."
Drain Plug Installation pics in an 83
Source: by lightnin (The Tank, Broncinator, John H) at
C6 Drain Plug
"I hated pulling the bolts out and letting the fluid dump out all over the place. I decided to put a drain plug in my C6 pan. I see some with them on the bottom and didn't care for how it hung down. I put mine on the side. Hopefully this may help if someone else is interested.
First off what is needed.
***** Plug, 1/4 to 3/4 Uni-Bit, Drill, Welder
Clean and Prep the pan.
Place the **** where you want it. Scribe a line around it. Find the center, drill a pilot hole then drill the hole to the correct size. I oppted to put it on the drivers side of the pan cause that is where I wanted it. <I HIGHLY RECCOMEND PUTTING IT ON THE PASSANGERS SIDE> I will point out why later.
I drilled the hole the same size as the ID of the ****. That allowed for the weld to run along the outside.
Fits nicely.
Clamped it to the corner of the table and placed the **** over the hole.
Then your ready to weld it up.
Almost right in line with the edge of the pan.
I bead blasted it to get rid of the blueing and put the plug with pipe dope in.
Now time for Leak check
No leaks. Good to go.
Primered it grey and got it back on the bronco. The drain plug is up and out of harms way.
I didn't take in to count that the NP205 I swapped in is narrower than the NP208. I eyeballed it and I should have plenty of room to clear considering that the drive shafts angles away from the pan from the transfer case to the front differential. I won't know for sure until I have my drive shaft shortened after the SAS.
C6 Description & Operation, Adjustments, Diagnosis & Testing (partial), Disassembly & Assembly, Parts Break-Out Diagram, Hydraulic Control System Diagram, Removal & Installation & Specifications @
See page 17-10-5 for torque spec for converter to "engine"