Have you checked the inertia switch to see if it is popped. That is the little black box under the dash with a button sticking out of it. Some times these just go bad. I have read reports of them failing intermittently and driving the owner nuts as they make contact sometimes and don't at other times. Sort of resetting them selves.
Also don't forget that you have two fuel pumps on that truck, a low pressure pump in the tank that fills a reservoir and the high pressure pump which draws from the reservoir and supplies the injectors.
I am including several diagrams from the 1985 EVTM so you can see what's involved with this circuit. There are several places to check, but most common failures are, the ECC Power relay, the pump control relay, the inertia switch, grounding for the pumps, and ofcourse the connectors getting corroded.
My suggestion is that you check ground at the pumps. If that is good, check for 12V and work back thru the control circuitry. If you are sure the fuel pump relay isn't being picked, then check the ECC power relay, if it is not working nothing works.
Good luck,