"..two on gas tank, and one cut that goes into the driver's side rear inner fender well) which of these do I need to reconnect and which one's don't serve any purpose anymore (& why do they not serve a purpose anymore)?"
What you're seeing is the remnants of the vapor/fumes system. It WAS there to capture all fumes from the vehicles
fuel system. It was a sealed system including the gas cap which was not vented.
You could get a "vented" gas cap & put rubber tips on the two small ******* on the side of the tank.
(in place of the duct tape)
The monkey motion up under the rear wheel well & the canister under the hood have been abandoned.
It would cost $$$ to restore it, if at all possible & hours/days of work.
We're getting way ahead of ourselves here & at this point I would suggest spending a few hours in your local
libuary. I think ebay still has some factory repair manuals.
You might look into an auto shop class B/4 going much further. They may even have you bring your Bronco in
for the class to work/learn on..., along with an instructor.
As we're doing here, it could take months of typing/posting to get you safe & happy on the road..

The Early Bronco is one of the easiest vehicles to work on in existance.
Even so., it takes a bit of mechanical background
I don't recall seeing a dual vacuum hose (on the modulator) on my '72 EB with the auto trans.
That (yours) could be the wrong modulator.., but, I'm not real savy on auto trannies.
Above Seabronc showed a pic of the proper kickdown hook-up. It could be tricky mounting those
parts to your existing parts. I think that carb shop should make you whole with the proper linkage.
We need to work on/fix one think at a time ----- always start a new thread for a new issue.
That way knowledgeable folks will chime in. THEY WON'T with several issues in one thread.
Too confusing.....

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