I will agree that all lift kits are not created equal. Some brands give more or less lift than advertised, and often need adjusting to level the ride/stance. If your front is LOWER than the rear, you can try a shorter block height or remove a leaf spring in the rear. If the front is HIGHER than the back, you can try a taller block or use an AAL (add-a-leaf). I would recommend adjusting the stance ONLY at the rear axle, NOT the front coils. While some front coils can sag after break-in or over time, I do not suggest any type of spacers up front to adjust the height. On my Skyjacker 6" kit with lifted rear spring packs, the front was HIGHER. I added a 1" block in back to level the ride and correct the rear driveshaft-pinion angle. That angle should be zero or as close to 0 as possible, and a shim or tapered block may be needed when installing a lift kit or altering the ride height.