First off...sorry guys, my bronc is a 91. Shoulda got that outta the way first.
So I sprayed a bunch of carb cleaner in both IAC holes in the throttle body and ran some seafoam down her throat, then took the throttle body off to change out the TPS....big surprise, I have the adjustable one. Naturally the one I bought is not. Well since my meter decided it wasn't gonna cooperate tonight and turn on, I decided I would just clean out the throttle body better for now. So I took off the TB and cleaned the back side as well, especially the hole where the IAC comes thru. After burning my hand with hot coolant and losing one of the little screws for the TB cover, the truck runs much better but the little dip in idle is still present. I have only put 15 miles on it after cleaning it out and putting some seafoam in the intake so maybe it will get a little better. Now the questions;
According to my chiltons it says I can adjust my TPS so the voltage is naturally, now that I have seen exactly where it is and what it is, I'm scratching my in the sam holy hill do I adjust that while the TB is on??? I'm assuming it needs to stay on so you can get readings at half and full throttle positions. As always, any help is greatly appreciated. Also I've read that people use the seafoam in the vac lines but I have no idea which to take off etc so if you can point me in the right direction there I'd be grateful.
Thread went from a stray wire to idle problems...
