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Hello, I am new to Bronco Zone. And would like to ask a few question about my 1988 Ford Bronco XLT. Which I purchased out here in New Mexico. It is in aesome condition has a 302 5.0 EFI in it. It has around 82,000 miles on it. And a year after I had it I thought that the coolant system should be flushed out. So I bought the Prestone Flush Kit & did everything buy what the direction said. And after I refilled it with fresh coolant and I seen I had a coolant leak running out on the ground. I thought it was the bypass hose but it was the middle freeze plug on the drivers side of the engine block. So evidently the previous owner that owned it had a small pin hole in that middle freeze plug and must of had dumped some stop leak in it. And when I used the Prestone Flush Kit, it must of loosend up the stop leak. So I decided to take start working on it and decided to take the remaining ones out which there are a total of 6, 3 on each side right where the motor mounts are. Which Im glad I did because they were pretty rusted up also, so it would be just a matter of time and I would be doing it all over again later on down the road. And let me tell ya. Getting to them while the engine was still in the vehicle was a real B#@%h.
So I haven't finished the job yet. But I am wanting some advice on putting in a remanufactured 351 5.8 EFI than keeping the 302 5.0 EFI. I am going to use the Bronco for pulling a car trailer and pull up to a 30' camper
And the 302 that is in it looks like it also had a right head replaced on it. So if I get the 5.8 EFI should I install an aftermarket Intake & Throttle Body on it. Or just run the stock one on it. Below is a photo of my 1988 Bronco.

So I haven't finished the job yet. But I am wanting some advice on putting in a remanufactured 351 5.8 EFI than keeping the 302 5.0 EFI. I am going to use the Bronco for pulling a car trailer and pull up to a 30' camper
And the 302 that is in it looks like it also had a right head replaced on it. So if I get the 5.8 EFI should I install an aftermarket Intake & Throttle Body on it. Or just run the stock one on it. Below is a photo of my 1988 Bronco.