He was trying to talk you out of it in my opinion. You might lose 1 horsepower or something but I think its worth it. They always confuse their personal opinion with fact. Example: I had a '73 Comet that I was racing, I "needed" dual exhaust, my friend had a '73 Maverick done to the nuts, and he had dual exhaust on his. I took my car with open headers across town to the muffler shop, he said it is impossible to put duals on a Maverick/Comet. There just isnt enough room. I argue the point that I have seen it done many times, He told me I was a stupid kid and that I didn't know true duals when I saw them, basically. I replied with, if you are not capable to perform this job that is fine but I am 100% certain it is a common modification. He said sorry it can't be done and I am a dreamer and blah blah blah. I drove around to a few other shops, none would agree that it is possible. Finally I remembered a friend was doing his work experience at a muffler shop and went to that one. I talked to the tech there and he said no problem. He lifted it up on the hoist right away, asked me if I had any requests, I told him I wanted 2.5 duals and my warlock mufflers on it. Took 2 hours and I was driving it, went to the first ******** and showed him. He got mad and told me to F off, so I did a 30 second brakestand and F offed. The guy that did the work said the other guys just didnt have the experience to visualize the final product. It has been on my car for 13 years.