I had doubts but..
read this
the 90 is an open bowl type
93 is closed bowl (all 92-96)
Ignition Control Module Open-Closed Bowl Overview & pics; "To limit heat damage to the ignition module, Ford switched from an open bowl to a closed bowl distributor design. Open bowl describes a distributor with a notched cutout where the module connects to the PIP sensor. In an open bowl design, the module bolts to and, grounds through, the distributor body. Closed bowl distributor housings are sealed, and the module is mounted away from the hot distributor at its own heat sink. Many have re-located the ign module to the 92-96 location near driver hood hinge. see Ignition Control Module Relocation & Modified Mount in a 90
Source: by Seattle FSB (SeattleFSB) at
more TFI LINKs in my site @
Parts Break-Out Diagram in 85-91 (Open Bowl)
Source: by SeattleFSB (Seattle FSB)
Parts Break-Out Diagram in 92-96 (Closed Bowl - also ref to as Sealed Bowl)
and esp, I see the wiring diagrams are different;
Wiring Diagram in a 90 from EVTM
by Seattle Bronco
Wiring Diagram in a 94 from EVTM (= to 93)
Source: by Mikey350