There are two common connectors shared by both left and right hazard and brake lights. Assuming that Fuse 1 is OK and the switch on the column is OK, they are C305 at the base of the column; C121 engine side of firewall where wiring harness exits from cab and heads down to chassis just under the brake booster. C121 is the most suspect since it is in a high corrosion position. However, if your turn signal works in the rear then the problem has to be Fuse 1 or the wire from the fuse to the hazard flasher and stop light switch.
Note that two fuses are involved with the rear lights, Fuse 5 feeds the turn signals, Fuse 1 feeds the hazard and stop switches (Red with white hash marks from the fuse and then light greenwith red hash marks from hazard flasher to stop switch). Check for 12 Volts there.
Good luck,
