hey henk from oz Got a 302 weind intake carb and intake tight and yes this problem did start about a month ago. I read under the heading last night Fuel constriction and realized my fuel filter was kinda empty looking so i unhooked it and its easy to hold back the fuel
so i was thinking the concentric lobe worn mechanical pumps no more gotta wait to buy electric pump till next week. air filter is still within reason also. another thing ,, I noticed steam or fuel mist in my new napa gold filter witch was riding on the heater core line so i moved it out of the engine compartment down on the frame seems alittle better thanks. another little nut if i park up a hill i have to prime the carb to start her back up or manualy choke it and turn her over alot to start it again.
One more thing i did today is to put a timing light on her and she was way advanced .
I put that right problem still there loosing my mind in schoharie county !!!!!!!