yo D,
As my buddy Larry once wrote and I can't descro\ibe this better;
"... the Dodge axle is a passenger drop and Ford tcases are driver drop, you'll have to do quite a bit more work to get the Dodge axle to work. At a minimum, you'd have to figure out how to swap in a passenger drop tcase.
The knuckles are a minor part of what you need to do, really, there's a lot more stuff to do that takes a lot more work. Spring perches will be wrong, axle tube length is probably wrong, spring mounting is different, etc.
Reverse rotation axles are not really reverse rotation, they're reverse cut to raise the pinion above the axle centerline.
You can make the Dodge axle work, but you'd probably be better off selling the Dodge axle to buy a Ford axle..."
But since he wrote that; The 94+ dodges have a driver side drop
85-93 Dodge Dana 44 pic
80-96 Bronco Dana 44 pic