1. I have a 1988 Ford Bronco 5.0 XLT with automatic engaging hubs. The other day I noticed the hubs hot, almost to the point I wouldn't bear to touch it. This happened after a short one mile drive. I had to disassemble the driver side hub about a month ago to remove the rusted out splash shield and it looked well lubricated and immaculate. Before you guys think it was assembled incorrectly, both sides get equally hot and I never touched the passenger side hub. Could this be caused by bad U-joints? Normal? I am changing the U-joints in August.
2. My second problem is hesitation to start and engine RPM dropping below normal when cruising and my foot is off the gas. When this happens I can feel a bit of engine braking suddenly but for a short second then returns to normal RPM. I just did a full tune up, clean the throttle plates and replaced the TPS and IAC valve and this is still happening (however much improvement). Today the ABS light came on, but I doubt it is relevant to that problem.
3. A few days ago after waiting at a drive through I let my foot off the brake and before going to the throttle I noticed that the truck isn't even moving without my foot on the brake (yes yes it was in gear
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ) I gave it gas and it took off normally maybe this is a sticking wheel cylinder? Relevant to the ABS light? Any ideas are welcome and I will have to run the codes on this.
2. My second problem is hesitation to start and engine RPM dropping below normal when cruising and my foot is off the gas. When this happens I can feel a bit of engine braking suddenly but for a short second then returns to normal RPM. I just did a full tune up, clean the throttle plates and replaced the TPS and IAC valve and this is still happening (however much improvement). Today the ABS light came on, but I doubt it is relevant to that problem.
3. A few days ago after waiting at a drive through I let my foot off the brake and before going to the throttle I noticed that the truck isn't even moving without my foot on the brake (yes yes it was in gear