All Ford will do if you take it is change the fittings, evacuate, and recharge. They will change the evaporator if it needs it, but that's it. I talked to the guy at Ford about it and all together it was going to run me around $130-$150 (without evaporator) to switch over. Went to Wal-Mart, got the same stuff for $33 and did it myself. It would have cost $45 just to test the system.
You can keep alr existing parts and just swap out the orifice tube if you have the blue one. Get the red orifice tube as it will work better with the 134a.
If your system is empty already (like mine was), it's easy to do on your own. Get the $33 kit at Wal-Mart. You'll also need a tool to remove the spring lock coupling that allows access to the orifice tube. A set of those is like $10, then you'll need a tool to remove the orifice tube. If you go to autozone to get the tube and spring lock tool, you can use their tool in the parking lot. It will take all of about 5 minutes to swap the tube out.
Then it's just a matter of putting the adapter on and recharging. All together you'd be looking at about $45-$50 doing it yourslef. Just make sure you have plenty of time because those cans don't recharge it very fast.
If it's not empty, then you need to go to the dealership or a service center so they can reclaim the r12. You could probably get them to check the system too without paying more since it's just labor, and I doubt it will take the full hour just to evacuate. Then you have to decide if it's worth the $50 you'd save to do it yourself or if you'd rather just pay them. It's a pretty simple task, but it is a little time consuming.