I noticed the IP volt meter started bouncing around and would go from looking like it was putting out voltage to not.
I thought it might be the alternator/voltage regulator, so I pulled it and took it into NAPA (the only auto parts store in town). The kid behind the counter seemed to have problems getting my alternator to run on the tester. He told me it was bad, because the tester showed some light fault and would run the unit at all. SO, I bought a new one and went home and installed it. At first start and drive, seemed like it fixed the problem. Then on the 2nd day, the 1st time I drove it to work since I swapped them out, the voltage meter started doing the dance again, and then it just went dead. Next came a 40 mile drive home, in the dark, on just that battery.
SO, I did my research and went out in the morning to trouble shoot before going to work. Rang out the jumper wire, Good. Turned the key to on and checked the voltage coming into the Green wire that comes from the switch, Good. Now, I had figured this wire was the lead subspect. Reattached those two connectors and started the rig up.
Damn all you phantoms and gremlins to where you came from.
So, is a bad ignition switch a good blame at this point?
A relay? I haven't seen any relays in another of the wiring diagrams I have come across.
Just a loose frakking wire?
I thought it might be the alternator/voltage regulator, so I pulled it and took it into NAPA (the only auto parts store in town). The kid behind the counter seemed to have problems getting my alternator to run on the tester. He told me it was bad, because the tester showed some light fault and would run the unit at all. SO, I bought a new one and went home and installed it. At first start and drive, seemed like it fixed the problem. Then on the 2nd day, the 1st time I drove it to work since I swapped them out, the voltage meter started doing the dance again, and then it just went dead. Next came a 40 mile drive home, in the dark, on just that battery.
SO, I did my research and went out in the morning to trouble shoot before going to work. Rang out the jumper wire, Good. Turned the key to on and checked the voltage coming into the Green wire that comes from the switch, Good. Now, I had figured this wire was the lead subspect. Reattached those two connectors and started the rig up.
Damn all you phantoms and gremlins to where you came from.
So, is a bad ignition switch a good blame at this point?
A relay? I haven't seen any relays in another of the wiring diagrams I have come across.
Just a loose frakking wire?