From my understanding there should'nt of been an issue. I've had two pro comp lifts installed one on an 92 custom & one on my 93xlt I specificly told the installers I didn't want it to be raked to the front. They said It would be no problem since when lifting 6" in the front they only go 4" in the rear. This they said would make the truck come out level or a bit lower in the rear. It turned out perfect both times. I would call the people who lifted it and ask,"I know I had an 4" lift done, did ya lift 4" in the rear also?" If they say yes then you found your problem. It should'nt be that way I would demand it to be corrected. Its ez for them in the rear. You will find that lifting it the front another two inches to level it will be very un-pleasant in my opinion. Good Luck!
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