I just bought a 1992 bronco and I got the transmission, oil, and got the front alignment checked out. I was wondering if there are any special precautions or unusual things about Broncos that I should get looked at. It has 140,000 miles in it, and carfax says it averaged 11,000 miles a year. What is the largest tire I can put on their without rub, I'm not sure because I go to my ranch and off-roading, but not very seriousley, just light stuff. I'm not going to get a lift, but I do want either flowmaster or borla, which is better b/t those two? I also need new wheels and I'm not sure what the best size would be. I am just going to get BF Goodrich all-terrains, so what size rim should I get? I am pretty clueless because this is my first truck that I am going to fix up myself and not pre-bought. Thanks for your help and time.