Hello to all
I have a 1990 Bronco, stock and just last week I chased down what I thought was a fuel relay problem but it turned out to be the EEC IV, Now with the new EEC IV in, the idle after it is warmed up depending on the engine temp goes erratic and the warmer the motor the worst it gets, the idle does not increase but rather it decreases and almost stalls, it happens suddenly and quick like down to a stall and right back up to normal, I thought it might have been tthe EEC IV so I returned it and hoped it was the problem but even with a new-new one it does the same. During the Fuel pump relay process I replaced two of the FP relays in that housing, fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter, and the fuel pump and with the key on the FP relay circuit drivers keep the FP running but thats all good now... Now, I have checked the EGR valve and its good, replaced the PVC, checked all vaccum lines to be good and the motor was freshened up back in 2003 by my race car guy ( I have a 9.8 sec MUSTANG 1989) he rebuilt the motor. I have put a code reader on it and it reads 84 and 13, which is ERG circuitry problem. I see a little valve in-line with a vaccum line from the canster to the throttle body / intake, and what are those little relays over on the coil bracket for, TAB & TAD. I am running out of things to check before it gets out of my range of repair and I do not wish to bring it to the dealer need I say why. May be its the control module, I know that when they go they go but could this one be intermitting or could it be as simple as a rotor and cap, (but why after its warmed up) or is there something in the distributor that might intermit that I can replace that would cause this. <_<
I need help
Thanks DAN
I have a 1990 Bronco, stock and just last week I chased down what I thought was a fuel relay problem but it turned out to be the EEC IV, Now with the new EEC IV in, the idle after it is warmed up depending on the engine temp goes erratic and the warmer the motor the worst it gets, the idle does not increase but rather it decreases and almost stalls, it happens suddenly and quick like down to a stall and right back up to normal, I thought it might have been tthe EEC IV so I returned it and hoped it was the problem but even with a new-new one it does the same. During the Fuel pump relay process I replaced two of the FP relays in that housing, fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter, and the fuel pump and with the key on the FP relay circuit drivers keep the FP running but thats all good now... Now, I have checked the EGR valve and its good, replaced the PVC, checked all vaccum lines to be good and the motor was freshened up back in 2003 by my race car guy ( I have a 9.8 sec MUSTANG 1989) he rebuilt the motor. I have put a code reader on it and it reads 84 and 13, which is ERG circuitry problem. I see a little valve in-line with a vaccum line from the canster to the throttle body / intake, and what are those little relays over on the coil bracket for, TAB & TAD. I am running out of things to check before it gets out of my range of repair and I do not wish to bring it to the dealer need I say why. May be its the control module, I know that when they go they go but could this one be intermitting or could it be as simple as a rotor and cap, (but why after its warmed up) or is there something in the distributor that might intermit that I can replace that would cause this. <_<
I need help
Thanks DAN