It looks like you are missing something. From the pictures. it, it looks like you made up your own wire harness for the alternator. That plug should have a mate that originally went to the original harness. Here is a picture of the charge diagram for an 83 Bronco with the old style alternator and external regulator. I don't have one for your specific truck but it should be the same.
Where is the original wire harness to the alternator?
Basically how it works is that you have 12V feed from the battery to the fuse panel. From there a line to the ignition switch. When you turn the key to start you put 12v to the regulator which in turn puts voltage to the field winding of the alternator. The ignition switch also connects to the start relay to start the engine. Once the engine is running and the field connection allows the alternator generator to produce the current necessary to supply the vehicles electrical needs and top off the battery charge.
This diagram may be a little more complex than the EB hookup, but basically you need the same things to happen. So you need to find the original harness.
The wire sizes for the stator and field connections in your harness, are a little over ****. Use a number 16 or 18 from the regulator to the alternator, match what is on the regulator. Keep the red lead to connect to the battery +, (probably at the start relay terminal that connects to the battery). It should go from the alternator to a fuse link and then to the battery side of the start relay. The fused link should about 75 to 100 Amp since the alternator is rated at 65 Amps. That link protects the alternator from burning up in case there is some failure like a short in the battery + line.
The ignition connection to the the regulator should be from the same source that feeds the start relay pick coil.
By the way, the lugs for ground and battery charge need to be soldered not just crimped
Al, if you are following this thread, do you have a wiring diagram for the EB?