Hello all, I have more electrical issues in my bronco...
Hand brake light lights all the time, I disconnected that switch and tried with jumper wire to ground it => light still on!
Is it grouded type switch or something else?
Second (if we do not count all those other, speed sensor, electrical shift motor etc. related little things...) problem is that parking lights stopped working => fuses are ok, and bulbs are too. Do you have any ideas where the switch for these back up lights is located?
It does not help at all that I live in Europe => so we do not have any spare parts available here, everything must ordered from USA and many retailers would not send here
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Hand brake light lights all the time, I disconnected that switch and tried with jumper wire to ground it => light still on!
Is it grouded type switch or something else?
Second (if we do not count all those other, speed sensor, electrical shift motor etc. related little things...) problem is that parking lights stopped working => fuses are ok, and bulbs are too. Do you have any ideas where the switch for these back up lights is located?
It does not help at all that I live in Europe => so we do not have any spare parts available here, everything must ordered from USA and many retailers would not send here
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